Where can i redeem my Seddon Village Gift Card?

Unfortunately not all businesses in Seddon are able to redeem the Seddon Village Gift Card, as they either use a EFTPOS machine that isn’t compatible with the card; or have not updated their machine to accept them.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause; but hope you can find somewhere to redeem your card from all of the amazing traders listed below.

We will update this list as more businesses join the program.

If you have attempted to use your card at one of these traders without success, please let us know and we will rectify the issue

  1. restaurant navi

  2. Alfa Bakehouse


  4. Charles & Gamon

  5. Enrich Interiors

  6. Far Fetched Designs

  7. Happy Apple

  8. inner west health

  9. Le Spa De Jour

  10. love luvo

  11. luxsmith

  12. master Drycleaners

  13. miss anam

  14. Mozzarella Bar

  15. My mama said

  16. offshoot BOTANICA

  17. once more with feeling

  18. Seddon Book Alley

  19. seddon deadly sins

  20. Sedonia

  21. Simple Form

  22. stags barber shop

  23. Superchido

  24. Two Faces Eyewear


  26. cASA dI tUTTI

  27. lOLA cAFE

  28. kITH AND kIN


  30. pOMPELLO

  31. lITTLE mAN cAFE

when will my gift card expire?

All cards are valid for 3 years from date of purchase.

can the cards be re-used or topped up?

Unfortunately the cards cannot be re-used, and are only valid for the initial amount added to them at time of purchase, however the card can be used for multiple transactions across multiple participating businesses until the funds are depleted.

how do i redeem my card in a participating store?

Super easy! If the staff member is not familiar with the card, this is how it is processed instore.

It is used the same as a debit card, but without the chip - which means it can’t be tapped, it will need to be swiped.

  1. Swipe the card along the side of the EFTPOS machine (black stripe facing in)

  2. Chose “savings” for account

  3. Use the four digit PIN printed on the back of the card

  4. That’s it! As long as there are enough funds on the card for the transaction, it should process for you


  1. Enter amount to be used from the gift card (e.g. $19.95)

  2. Swipe the Gift Card through the EFTPOS terminal

  3. Select “savings” account

  4. Enter the 4-digit PIN (located on the back of the card)

  5. The transaction will process and a receipt will be produced

  6. Write the remaining balance on the back of the card

If your business is not listed above as a redeemer you cannot accept payment via Seddon Village Gift Cards. If you’d like to have your machine activated - contact the Seddon Village Traders Association for an activation pack.

how do i know how much i have left on my gift card?

the balance of your card is accessible via the Why Leave Town website.

If your card isn’t processing at a participating store listed here and you know there are still funds available on the card, it may be that the card has less value than the transaction you are trying to pay for. Check your balance and ensure you are only trying to process the exact amount or less than what is available and the transaction should go through.

where can seddon village gift cards be purchased?

Seddon Village Gift Cards can be purchased from:

Seddon Village Gift Cards are blank instore and can be topped up to any amount you would like them to be loaded with. The minimum value is $10, but from $10 on there are no restrictions on how much you need to spend on your Seddon Village Gift Card purchase.