Meet Inge & Nicola from Sedonia


Meet Inge and Nicola from Sedonia.

They have been running this beautiful little homewares and living store on Gamon Street for thirteen years now.

We thought we should introduce you to them through a little interview:

Q. Describe Sedonia and what you offer in one sentence.

A. Sedonia is where we like to show and sell the things we love to see, touch, wear and buy.

Q. How has your business and the wider community around you changed over the last few years?

A. We’ve seen babies grow into teenagers and like to think we have grown with the community. We now offer a wider range of products and gifts for everyone - from babies to grandparents.

Q. What do you love most about the Seddon community?

A. Our lovely customers. Seddon has a great diverse and interesting community.

Q. What is the one thing you believe makes Seddon unique?

A. We love the Thompson Street park where people gather to play and catch-up.

Visit Sedonia at 41 Gamon Street, Seddon.


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