Seddon Village

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Meet Andy from Luxsmith

Meet Andy from Luxsmith

He’s one of Seddon’s favourites, having run Luxsmith on the corner of Charles & Gamon streets for over 6 years now.

We thought we should introduce you to Andy…

Q. Tell us about Luxsmith in one sentence.

A. Luxsmith is a mod-Asian restaurant with a wine bar/shop and function space with private dining.

Q. How has your business changed here in Seddon? Have you noticed any shifts in the community?

A. Seddon has grown-up over the years so we have had to grow up with it. The demand on customers needing more from their local has given us the confidence to rebuild and renovate just like they have. You no longer have to go to the city or the other side of town to have a good night out.

Q. What do you love most about the Seddon community?

A. The loyalty from our customers, of whom many have become friends over the years.

Q. What is one thing you believe makes Seddon unique?

A. The sense of pride in being local.

Q. Where can our readers find you?

A. Find us at 5 Gamon Street, Seddon.