Meet Sasha from Kith & Kin


Meet Sasha from Kith & Kin.

Sasha has been running her beautiful boutique store in Seddon for over six years now and loves serving the community with fresh new on-trend pieces.

We asked Sasha a few questions to help you get to know her.

Q. In one sentence, tell us the heart of Kith & Kin.

A. It’s a treasured collection of pieces from places I love.

Q. Tell us how your business has changed over the past few years here in Seddon.

A. We started in an alley way on Charles Street in 2015. It was a tiny space where Robert also began Seddon Book Alley. Just like Robert we outgrew the alley way and had the opportunity to move to a bigger shop front in late 2016, and we took it!
We then rebranded and moved again, this time to Victoria Street in 2019. It was definitely the right move for us. The business has thrived and I could not be happier with the new store.

Q. What do you love most about the Seddon community?

A. Community is at the heart of Seddon. It is what makes the place and people within it tick. We may not be as well known as our surrounding suburbs, but Seddonians are a motley crew who are proud of their village and welcome visitors with open arms.
If you are lucky enough to have a business here or call Seddon home - I have the double luck of having both - you know you are part of something special.

Q. What is one thing you believe makes Seddon unique?

A. You can’t walk past someone without saying hello or acknowledging them. It’s just the done thing.

Q. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our Seddon community?

A. I want to thank Seddon as a community for supporting local as much as they do. I know that it made a huge difference not only to my business but for so many other traders in the village during the pandemic.

Visit Sasha in her Seddon store at 154a Victoria Street, Seddon.


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