Meet your local traders - Helena from the Chiro Room
Meet local business owner, Helena.
“As someone who has lived in the inner west for 10 years, what struck me about Seddon was the strong sense of community. I wanted to give back to area that is my home as there were significantly fewer chiropractic options comparative to other Melbourne areas.”
“Although Seddon is an inner city suburb, our community vibe is like a small country town with kindness and familiar friendly faces. I have made life long friends at the dog park and in cafes. Professionally, we have an amazing network of integrative practitioners which allows me to keep patient referrals local.”
“When I launched The Chiro Room, I wanted to create a safe space that breaks barriers in healthcare and fosters an inclusive, neurodivergent-friendly space where you feel at ease from the moment you walk in.”
“Closing the gap in our healthcare system was also crucial to me so I always extend a warm welcome to patients from diverse cultural backgrounds, languages, and ethnicities. Oh and it’s a dog friendly space!”